Social Media Content
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Week 1 (October 1-7): DV 101
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10/5: Take Action Thursday
- It’s our first #DVAM #TakeActionThursday! 💜 Spend a few minutes today learning about domestic violence and how #Every1KnowsSome1 who’s been impacted: [link to an “About DV” or similar page on your org’s website]
- #TakeActionThursday means staying in the know about our work to support survivors. Don’t miss out! [insert links to your org’s social pages, email sign-up, etc.] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- #Every1KnowsSome1 means you probably know someone impacted by domestic violence. This #TakeActionThursday, share this image [or post a video of yourself] to let the survivors in your life know they aren’t alone. #SupportSurvivors #BelieveSurvivors #DVAM
- For TikTok, encourage them to make a duet with your TikTok to show their friends/followers that they believe and support survivors. They can also encourage their own followers to make duets with their video, multiplying the effect!
- We encourage you to use captions on videos and alt text on images to increase accessibility!
Text to MIX AND MATCH for any days of Week 1:
- Our theme for this year's #DVAM is once again #Every1KnowsSome1. Because it's true. We all know some 1. That 1 can be a friend. Family member. Co-worker. Domestic violence doesn't discriminate. Join in on the conversation all month long and beyond! 💜
- Domestic violence is a pattern of coercive, controlling behavior that can include physical, emotional, verbal, sexual, financial, and other abuse. #Every1KnowsSome1 who has been impacted, and we all have a role to play in ending it. Learn more: [link to an “About DV” or similar page on your org’s website] #DVAM
- Domestic violence is more than physical violence. It can include threats, harassment, putting someone down, pressuring someone around sex, controlling finances, and other tactics to gain power and control. #Every1KnowsSome1 affected by domestic violence. Read more: [link to an “About DV” or similar page on your org’s website] #DVAM
- What’s the difference between domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and gender-based violence? As [@ or link to Violence Free Colorado] shares,
➡️ “Domestic violence” and “intimate partner violence” can be used interchangeably to describe a pattern of abusive behavior and coercive control that can happen in a dating, marital, or live-in (or ex-) intimate partner relationship.
➡️ “Intimate partner violence” often feels more inclusive because it more explicitly recognizes that people in any type of romantic relationship can experience abuse by a partner–regardless of age, gender identity, sexuality, or “formal” relationship status.
➡️ “Domestic violence” may tend to feel less inclusive, because sometimes people assume the term only refers to married couples or heterosexual relationships (even though this isn’t true).
➡️ “Gender-based violence” is an umbrella category for violence directed at an individual based on their biological sex or gender identity. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life. Domestic violence (or “intimate partner violence”) is one form of gender-based violence. Sexual assault is another form of gender-based violence.
#Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM - According to the CDC, about 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 4 men in the United States report having experienced severe physical violence from a partner in their lifetime. This issue impacts people of every gender, and #Every1KnowsSome1 affected by domestic violence. Keep reading: [link to an “About DV” or similar page on your org’s website] #DVAM
- We want to share an important #DVAM note about statistics. As [@ or link to End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin] shares: “The limited research on domestic violence often implies that gender is binary. As we cite available studies which hold important data on this issue, this language does not reflect our expansive understanding of gender or who is impacted.” 💜🏳️🌈 #Every1KnowsSome1
- According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 61.1% of bisexual women, 43.8% of lesbian women, 37.3% of bisexual men, and 26% of gay men have reported experiencing rape, physical violence, and/or stalking from a partner during their lifetime—compared to 35% of heterosexual women and 29% of heterosexual men. The U.S. Transgender Survey found that 54% of respondents have experienced some form of violence from a partner, and 24% have experienced severe violence. This is unacceptable. Learn more from [@ or link to LGBTQ orgs like the LA LGBT Center] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to the World Health Organization, domestic violence is “devastatingly pervasive” and is by far the most prevalent form of violence against women globally. #Every1KnowsSome1 harmed by domestic violence, and it’s up to all of us to create a better, safer world. #DVAM
- In [state/territory] and across the world, marginalized communities (including People of Color, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people) experience disproportionately higher rates of violence, including domestic violence. Our anti-violence work must also be anti-racism, anti-white supremacy work, as we center those most impacted. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Domestic violence can happen to anyone, but survivors and victims of marginalized backgrounds and identities can have these used against them as tactics of control by their abusers. They also often face additional barriers to seeking help. Every survivor deserves help and support. 💜 [@ or link to local or national culturally specific service providers like API-GBV, Esperanza United, NIWRC, Ujima, StrongHearts…] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to IWPR], around 31% of all women will experience domestic violence. For Black women, that statistic is more than 40%, and their journey to safety is often made harder by racism and other structural barriers. Learn more from [@ or link to Black-led orgs like Ujima] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to Esperanza United], about 1 in 3 Latinas (34.4%) will experience intimate partner violence in her lifetime, and 1 in 12 Latinas have experienced IPV in the past 12 months. Barriers like racism and xenophobia can complicate Latina survivors’ paths to safety. Learn more from [@ or link to Latina-led orgs like Esperanza United] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Every year, approximately four million older adults in the United States are victims of physical, psychological and/or other forms of abuse and neglect, including emotional abuse and financial exploitation. Learn more about abuse in later life from [@ or link to NCALL or your local elder/DV organization] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Domestic violence programs offer lifesaving services in our communities every single day—like housing, shelter, basic necessities, and wraparound support to help survivors and their children escape abuse and create safer lives. Learn more about local programs in [state/territory]: [link to a “Find Your Local Program” or similar page on your org’s website] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Domestic violence is more pervasive than most people realize. It impacts 1 in 3 women, 1 in 4 men, and over half of LGBTQ+ people. These high rates of domestic violence are not just individual problems; they require community solutions. #Every1KnowsSome1, and EVERYONE has a part to play this #DVAM and beyond. We need to create communities where healthy relationships thrive and abusive ones don’t - tell us what that community would look like to you! OR If we come together to build a healthy community, where everyone has an affordable place to live and a job with a living wage, then people will be less likely to experience domestic violence in the first place. [insert info/link on how people can get involved with your organization and be a part of the solution]
Other Suggestions:
- Introduce yourself! Tell your audience who you are, what you do, and why it matters
- Consider posting stats about domestic violence in your own state, territory, or community
- Uplift the work of local programs/organizations you work with, especially those serving specific communities
- Share (with consent!) stories from survivors, advocates, programs…
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1 and #DVAM!
Week 2 (October 8-14): Reproductive Rights and Justice
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10/12: Take Action Thursday
- Would you recognize the signs of reproductive coercion? This #TakeActionThursday, take a few minutes to learn more for yourself or someone you care about: [link to any page on your website about reproductive coercion, sexual abuse, etc.] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
Text to MIX AND MATCH for any days of Week 2:
- Access to a full spectrum of reproductive healthcare—including abortion—can help victims of abuse survive and escape in order to create better, safer lives for themselves and their families. [Retweet / Share / Like - depending on platform] if you agree! #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Abortion bans and restrictions disproportionately harm domestic violence survivors of color, immigrant survivors, low-income survivors, survivors with disabilities, and other marginalized survivors. We’re committed to ensuring survivors—and everyone—can safely access the health care they need. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to SisterSong], “Survivors of domestic violence are directly impacted by access to reproductive justice: the right to maintain bodily autonomy, have or not have children, and parent children we have in safe and sustainable communities.” Our work to end domestic violence can’t happen without also working toward reproductive justice for all. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice], “Reproductive justice exists when all people have the economic, social and political power and resources to make healthy decisions about our gender, bodies and sexuality for ourselves, our families and our communities.” This work is key to our efforts to end domestic violence and create a safer world for us all. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Does your partner ever prevent you from accessing birth control, pressure you around sex, or do anything to make you feel like you aren’t in control of your reproductive health and decisions? You may be experiencing “reproductive coercion,” and there are resources available to help and support you. Learn more: [link to any page on your website about reproductive coercion, sexual abuse, etc.] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- As advocates, we support domestic violence survivors by supporting laws and policies that center their ability to safely access reproductive health care, including abortion. Pregnancy can prevent survivors from leaving abusive relationships, and even increase the severity of abuse, and survivors deserve options. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Homicide is a leading cause of death during pregnancy in the United States, and most of these deaths are linked to both intimate partner violence and gun violence. Victims and survivors deserve better. We’re proud to work toward a world where everyone can live safe from this—and all—violence. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
Other Suggestions:
- Link to or @ local reproductive rights/justice/etc. organizations you work with.
- Highlight any repro-related policy work, action alerts, etc.
- If you’re able to lean more strongly into abortion messaging, do it! Not every program/coalition can safely do this, and it matters so much if you’re able to be loud and clear.
- If you’re not able to be as loud about abortion, try focusing on reproductive coercion, sexual abuse, etc.
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1 and #DVAM!
Week 3 (October 15-21): Firearms and Lethality
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10/19: Purple Thursday
- Happy #PurpleThursday! Purple is the color of domestic violence awareness and wearing purple today ties together survivors and advocates across the country in our work to end abuse. 💜 #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- It’s time for a DVAM tradition. 💜 We’re wearing purple today to show our support for domestic violence survivors and our commitment to ending abuse. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- No matter where we are across the country, we’re united in wearing purple today. Join us and share a #PurpleThursday pic to raise awareness and support survivors of domestic violence. 💜 #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
Other Suggestions:
- Selfies of yourself and/or your coworkers
- Pics of pets in purple
- Purple clothing, nail polish, hats, shoes, jewelry…
- Zoom screenshots of staff in purple if folks are still working remotely
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1 and #DVAM!
Text to MIX AND MATCH for any days of Week 3:
- Domestic violence and firearms are a lethal combination. When a male abuser has access to a firearm, the risk that he will choose to shoot and kill a female partner increases by 1,000%. Domestic violence victims and survivors deserve better, and everyone deserves to live safely, without fearing gun violence. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to NCADV], more than half of all intimate partner homicides in the United States are committed with firearms, and more than 50 women in the U.S. are shot to death by an intimate partner every month. Abusers’ easy access to firearms endangers survivors, plain and simple. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to NCADV], nearly one million women in the United States have been shot, or shot at, by an intimate partner. And abusers often choose to use guns to coerce, threaten, and terrorize partners, children, and pets, even without firing a single shot. This is unacceptable. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- In states that have implemented universal background checks on firearms sales, nearly 40% fewer women are shot and killed annually. We’re proud to support these and other common-sense efforts to keep domestic violence survivors safe from gun violence. [link to any pages on your org’s website about your work on this issue] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Guns and domestic violence are intrinsically linked. As [@ or link to Everytown] shares:
✔️ There are intricate links between mass violence and family violence. Men using firearms to inflict public terror also often share histories of violence against women.
✔️ In more than half of the mass shootings in this country over the past decade, the perpetrator shot a current or former intimate partner or other family member as part of the rampage.
✔️ Nearly two-thirds of all domestic violence related mass shootings also ended with the shooter killing themselves.
✔️ Approximately 80% of child victims of mass shootings died in incidents connected to family violence.
Enough is enough. [link to any pages on your org’s website about your work on this issue] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM - There is an undeniable link between mass shootings and domestic violence. More than two-thirds (68%) of mass shootings in the U.S. between 2014 and 2019 were either domestic violence attacks or perpetrated by someone with a history of domestic violence. To protect survivors and our communities, we must ensure abusers don’t have access to firearms. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM [optional link to sign up for your local/state/NNEDV advocacy alerts]
- While anyone can experience domestic violence, it is often more lethal for women of color, particularly when guns are involved. Black women are twice as likely to be killed by a spouse, and four times more likely to be killed by a dating partner, than white women. Homicide is the leading cause of death in the U.S. among Black women aged 14 to 45 years, and 57% of homicides against Black women are committed with guns. Latina women experience the highest rate of domestic violence-related homicides of any ethnic or racial grouping. Of Latina homicide victims, 61% are killed by intimate partners–and 50% of these killings are committed with guns. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
Other Suggestions:
- Share (with consent) firearm-related stories from survivors, advocates, etc.
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1
and #DVAM!
Week 4 (October 22-31): Domestic Violence and Housing
Link to Graphics
10/26: DVAM Day of Giving
- Domestic violence survivors, advocates, and programs urgently need support. #GiveForDV and help us continue our essential work: [link to your org’s GiveGab or other donation page] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Will you commit to giving $10 or more to support survivors? Your gift of any size helps us build a better, safer world: [link to your org’s GiveGab or other donation page] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Domestic violence programs need support all year long. Can you commit to becoming a monthly donor today? [link to your org’s GiveGab or other donation page] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
Other Suggestions:
- Highlight your organization’s volunteer opportunities or recognize/thank volunteers and donors.
- Encourage creative giving: Facebook fundraisers, Instagram story buttons, text-to-give, etc.
- Share a “where does my donation go?” page on your website.
- Say what donations “buy” i.e. “your gift of $X helps provide a survivor with shelter for X nights.”
- Share (with consent) survivors’ stories about how they benefited from donations to your org.
- Spotlight individual donors, why they give, what it means to them, etc.
- Recognize your org’s corporate, foundation, local business, etc. sponsors.
- Share info about volunteering with your org
- Link to your (or your local shelter’s) Amazon, etc. wishlists
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1 and #DVAM!
Text to MIX AND MATCH for any days of Week 4:
- Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness, and no survivor should ever be forced to stay with an abusive partner just to keep a roof over their head. Learn more about the connection between domestic violence and homelessness and the resources that are available: [link to a page on your org’s website about homelessness, housing resources, etc.] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- All of us want healthy relationships and strong communities. When communities face multiple challenges—like a lack of access to healthcare, childcare, and safe, affordable housing—it can be much harder to root out and stop domestic violence. To help prevent domestic violence, it’s important that we join together and take steps to assure that all families, no matter what color they are or how much they earn, can get the basics like a safe and affordable place to live and a job with a living wage. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM [link to info on your org’s website on how to get involved or on your initiatives tackling housing or economic justice]
- Poverty and power differences between people can make domestic violence worse. This is especially true for groups that have less power in society, such as people who are low-income or undocumented. When people have more control over their economic security they have more power over their lives and more alternatives to unhealthy relationships. To help prevent domestic violence, we need to tackle the underlying issues that make domestic violence harder to stop, like poverty and lack of access to safe and affordable housing. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Domestic violence does not happen in a vacuum. For people who experience things like poverty, lack of access to safe and affordable housing, and inequities based on gender, race, and sexual identity, the impact of domestic violence can be even worse. When we come together as a community to address these risk factors, like ensuring that everyone has an affordable place to live, then people will be less likely to experience domestic violence in the first place. #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Studies show that up to 99% of domestic violence survivors experience financial abuse, and more than 70% of survivors identify “access to money” as a barrier to leaving an abuser. This means that many survivors are forced to stay with abusers for months, even years, before they can afford housing and other essentials. Learn more: [link to info on your org’s website about financial abuse and/or housing] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- Abusive partners often sabotage survivors’ employment, take out loans in survivors’ names, ruin survivors’ credit, and otherwise control access to financial resources. This means that safe housing, secure employment, and other basic needs are out of reach for many survivors, keeping them trapped. Learn more: [link to info on your org’s website about financial abuse and/or housing] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM
- According to [@ or link to NNEDV]’s 17th Annual #DVCounts Report, in just one day in 2022, local domestic violence programs were unable to meet thousands of survivors’ requests for safe housing, because the resources simply aren’t there. Survivors and their children can’t wait for a safe place to stay. Learn more [link to info on your org’s website about the importance of safe housing OR the DV Counts Report] #Every1KnowsSome1 #DVAM1
Other Suggestions:
- Share (with consent) housing-related stories from survivors, advocates, etc.
- Talk about your organization’s housing programs.
- Introduce (with consent) staff members working on housing.
- Share housing resources in your area.
- Make sure to hashtag #Every1KnowsSome1 and #DVAM!